Early voting

Early voting

How do I vote early in-person?

  1. If you have not yet requested an absentee ballot and would like to vote early, you can go to your town office and vote right there and then.
  2. To find your town office and hours, search your town here.

How do I vote early absentee?

  1. You do not need to have a specific reason or be unable to vote at the polls on election day to use an absentee ballot. 
  2. Click here to request your absentee ballot
  3. When it arrives, make sure to fill it out, sign the back of the envelope, and return it. 
  4. You can mail your ballot or use a ballot drop box if your town has one. Explore this map to find your nearest ballot drop box location.
  5. No matter how you return your ballot, it must be received by your municipal clerk by 8:00 PM on Election Day.